Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thought I'd share a poem I wrote not that long ago. Let me know what you think.


Born amidst thunder and lightening
A gentle being came

A bright smile with a joyous laugh
Brought me sunshine

Her small hand sought mine
For safety and comfort

Now she holds my hand
To comfort me

My child, my daughter, my friend
My reason for being

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Okay, it looks like I didn't put the websites in right. So I'm giving them again so you can just click on them.

First was for Philippes (which I spelled wrong anyway...geez):

Next, Wumbloozo:

Last, the Arcadia Blues Club:
So I bought a book on blogging ('s a "....for Dummies" book; had to make it easy on myself!). I started reading it and so far it's kind of interesting. I actually wasn't aware that you could do so much with a blog. Hopefully I'll get it down to a greater or lesser degree soon and be able to to do something with this little thing I started. Who knows where it will take me....or those that are following me!

Burten, my sister, her husband and I took the Metro to Chinatown this past weekend for the Chinese New Year. Year of the Ox, if you're interested. The parade was disappointing. It had one really cool dragon, way too many political & community figures in cars, mostly mediocre school bands and several martial arts schools demonstrators. We left before it ended & went window shopping.

Before tho, we went to lunch at Philippes just up the street from Chinatown (& Union Station & Olvera St). The place claims to be the birthplace of the French dip sandwich. Whether they are or not the food is great (um, that's pretty much all they serve, but the do it w/ beef, pork, lamb or turkey). And they celebrated their 100th anniversary. Not too many places in LA can boast being 100 years old. Go to for the history, menu and location. It's a great place and I highly recommend it. We hit Olvera St later in the day and had dinner there. Then took the train home. All in all, it was a really fun day.

Angus, our new pup, has now been with us for a month. He's coming along but like any puppy has some way to go. Being that it's been raining most of the day, he's only peed once in the house. So that's pretty good really. hehehe There are a few of you who've met him, and you know how cute he is. Once I figure out the picture thing I'll post some pix of him. He actually is really, really cute.

I just finished a book called "Enchanted". It's a biography of Audrey Hepburn. Some of you know that Emily just loves her. I actually bought the book for her but she's in the middle of another one (The Time Traveler's Wife - a fantastic book, which if you haven't read, you really must, and soon). Em doesn't get a whole lot of spare time for reading so I read this one meanwhile. All in all, it kind of appears that Audrey Hepburn led a kind of boring life. Tho probably not to her. So maybe it was the author of the book that made it sound boring. She lived through Nazi occupation, tried to become a classical ballet dancer, danced in some musical shows and then started making movies. She married and lived unhappily for many years.... It just kind of goes on like that, lots of facts but not a lot of life. The only true passion that comes out in the book is when she started working for UNICEF in her later years. But whatever her life was or wasn't like, she's still one of my most favorite actress. If anyone happens to read another biography of her, I'd be interested in hearing about it.

REMINDER: tomorrow night Wumbloozo ( is playing at the Arcadia Blues Club ( from 8:00-10:00pm. Come on down!!!

So that about does it for me again. I encourage, urge and hope you will comment and follow this blog. There's lots more to come!

Love, Jill